Spiked Heart Choker Collar

There's no perfect relationship—even in the BDSM world. You bicker and fight about big and, sometimes, petty stuff. Heck, there are even instances in which your sub cheats on you, yet, you still hold on to her. For you, she's more than just your slut; she's your lover, your lifetime partner, and you'd give anything and everything to her to make her stay.

But there are days when she can't control herself. She will still flirt with other dominants, even if most of the doms she flirts with know that she's already owned. It's time to be firm with your ownership! Tell everyone in the community that she's your property by wrapping this Spiked Heart Choker Collar around her neck. Once they notice it, Masters and Mistresses looking for their potential slaves will keep their eyes and hands off her. And when your sub sees the design, it will remind her of all the pain she costs you!

Available in a variety of colors, each leather bondage collar is designed with metal spikes. These studs can be a form of humiliation for the sub. But they can also be a hint that you own her. Meanwhile, the heart ring at the center signifies your undying love for your passive partner, but it also means that she's devoted to you, so nobody should dare to take your slave away from you.

To put this on your docile lover's neck, simply wrap the collar around her neck, then snap the buttons to close it. Once it's on her neck, you'll have peace of mind, for you know that nobody will approach her and flirt with her the moment they see the collar.

Don't let anyone steal your sub from you! Grab this Spiked Heart Choker Collar and place it on her neck before it's too late.

Color Pink, Rose Red, Blue, Yellow, Orange, White
Material PU Leather
Dimension Length: Adjustable
Width/Diameter: 0.98 inch

Spiked Heart Choker Collar

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