Heaven must have poured out all its glory on you at birth. Straight As, a beautiful face, and a body full of grace, you have everything a girl could ever wish for. You are a head-turner wherever you go. People can't help it. You look so stunning that they always assume you are close to perfection. But when you are alone in your room, that's the only time you can reveal the other side of yourself. You are intrepid and reckless. You even have a tattoo on the roof of your pussy that nobody knows. And now, you like to venture on something more painful. You are planning to put a ring on your clit. It is something you can hide, so you really want to give it a try. Looking for the perfect jewelry set for your clit? Go for something that speaks about your life story, just like the Good Girl Gone Bad Sexy Piercings. This product is a set of 9 colorful curved bars you can switch and wear a month and a half after your clit heals. All pieces are made of alloy base material. Unlike the other metal types, an alloy's consistency is much harder and more corrosion resistant. It is also more durable. It also passes as a material for surgical tools, making it safe to use even on the delicate parts of the body like the genitalia. Each piece has ball stoppers with clear screw structures, so putting it on won't be a problem. They are lightweight and comfortable to be worn regularly. The barbell is also thinner than regular products, so it won't bore a big hole on your clit. Understandably, you have a pretty superior reputation to keep, but don't ever go through DIY piercing as it is a scary thing to do. Avoid piercing yourself like how this couple does in this Pornhub video. Book an appointment with a piercing professional today, and add this set to your cart.