What's the Best Room in the House to Put a Sex Swing in?
Posted by Carlo Apas on

The Best Place In The House For A Sex Swing
Since most people don’t have a “game” room that contains all of their sex toys, such as the rooms shown in various movies like 50 Shades, this means that if you do purchase something such as a sex swing, you may in fact wonder where to put it.
Sex swings are becoming very popular not just for extra-adventurous couples, but also for regular couples who simply want to add a little oomph to their sex life.
After all, sex swings are so flexible and accommodating that they enable you to experience positions that were difficult or even impossible in the past!
The swings provide a feeling of gravity-free weightlessness that allow for dozens of positions and sex acts, many of which you likely haven’t yet tried.
If you’re researching sex swings and you’re curious about where you should put your swing once you get it home, not to worry. The truth is, there are numerous possibilities for sex swings, and this doesn’t just include the bedroom.
You can install a sex swing almost anywhere, because most of them do not take up that much room and are made to be discrete.
Basic Types Of Installations
Sex swings can be installed in one of three ways.
The first type is a “door” swing that drapes over the top part of your door. Once it’s there, you simply close and lock the door so that it is securely shut and won’t allow anyone to peek inside.
The second type is attached to the ceiling. With this type, there is a permanent attachment on the ceiling that remains there even when the swing is not in use, and when you’re done with the swing you merely remove it and hide it somewhere.

If you’re a little inhibited about letting people know what the hook is for – after all, it is permanently attached to your ceiling – this type of installation is not recommended.
The third and final type of installation is the sex swing that is hung on a separate stand, which is usually purchased separately and doesn’t come with the swing.
All three of these are sturdy and well-made sex swings, and there are pros and cons to each of them. But, what about the actual room the sex swing is installed in?
Does It Have to Be The Bedroom?
Absolutely not! These days, people are choosing all types of rooms in their home – both inside and outside of the home – to hang their sex swings, so you can easily find one that suits your preferences and tastes.
Door-to-Door Installation of Sex Swings

If you have a dual-hook sex swing, this is a great option. In fact, this option doesn’t work with single-hook swings, so make sure you purchase a swing that has two hooks and not one.
For this installation, you’ll need two separate door mounts. Door mounts can be purchased anywhere you buy a regular sex swing, and they consist of a wide nylon or leather strap with a hook on one end and a bar on the other end that drapes across the top of the door and allows the door to shut completely.
If you have two doors that face one another in your hallway, this is a great type of installation to choose.
You simply drape each door mount over each of the doors, with the bars on the inside of the rooms and not in the hallway, close the doors tightly, then hang your swing on the hooks that are showing after the doors are shut.
This method allows for a little more room in the seat, thanks to the fact that the swing has to fit across the hall, which can be a lot more comfortable than using your sex swing the typical way.
Door mounts are inexpensive, usually no more than around $15 for a set of two, and they are easy to find as well. Most sex toy stores have them, and a version of them can sometimes be found in a hardware or home-improvement store, as well as many online stores.
Installing Your Sex Swing Wall to Wall

This type of installation can be utilized in a hallway or entryway, as long as it is three to four feet in width.
It is similar to the door-to-door installation except that instead of using door mounts, you install hooks or mounts on both of the walls and hang your swing from those two mounts.
Although some people choose regular eye hooks for this method, there are a few words of caution.
First of all, the typical eye hooks found in hardware stores are normally not welded, and, therefore, they tend to have low weight limits. You should always check the weight limits of the hooks you’re buying, and if you end up using a hook to hang your swing from anyway, it is best to find eye hooks that have welded loops.
However, these are sometimes difficult to find, so many people instead use a mounting bracket that contains a hook attached to it.
These brackets are pieces that attach permanently into the wall, and the hook is merely one of the parts of the bracket. Since it’s the bracket and not the hook that is attached to the wall, it is a more stable installation, allowing for a more confident and safe experience.
If you do choose an eye hook, make sure it has both a welded loop and it can handle the weight of both you and your partner.
Otherwise, choosing the mounting bracket just makes more sense, because it eliminates the fear of the hook being torn out of your wall, which almost always damages the wall, and the possibility of you or your partner falling at an inopportune time, which no one wants.
Another consideration with this method is the permanency of them.
Installing brackets into your walls is likely to call attention to that part of your wall when friends or family members visit, which can be a little awkward.
If you don’t care what people think, you can install these mounts anyway, but if you’re a little shy about letting people know what you do during your down time, you may want to choose the door mounts instead, which can be removed after every use.
A lot of people will enter your hallway or entryway, so these are important things to consider when deciding where to install a sex swing.
Door-to-Wall Installations – A Different Approach

This is a combination of the previous two methods. If you don’t have adjacent doors in your hallway, but instead have a door that is opposite of a wall, simply place the door mount over the door and install a mounting bracket on the wall.
With all three of these methods, the hallway will be where you enjoy your sex swing the most, and again, because you’ve chosen the dual-hook and not the single-hook attachment, these methods will work every time because they are sturdy and reliable.
If you’re wondering what to do when your sex swing is not in use and you have a permanent bracket attached to your wall in the hallway, you actually have several options.
You can hang artwork there or even a plant, because the bracket or hook won’t call attention to itself if something besides a sex swing is hanging from it.
You can even get a little creative, and as long as something attractive is hanging from the hook or bracket, no one will ever know what the piece is actually there for.
Make Your Sex Swing Mobile

If you are traveling and wish to take your sex swing with you, you naturally won’t be able to choose any type of permanent attachments to the walls or doors.
This is also true if you live in a rented home or apartment, because landlords don’t usually like permanent work done to their facilities.
If you are on a road trip and cannot do without your sex swing, simply purchase a chin-up bar, which you can usually buy for around $30.
The chin-up bar fits over the door, and you can buy some eye hooks and place them where the two bolts are that connect the main bar to the door brackets. The eye hooks are where the swing will hang from, but again, there are a few tips to remember.
First, chin-up bars often have lower weight limits than other types of brackets and hooks – typically only around 200 pounds.
Second, once you hang it from the door frame, the swing itself may be quite low, which may prevent you from taking full advantage of it after it’s installed.
This, however, is perfect when you’re in a hotel room and feel like having a little risqué fun, and as long as you pay attention to the weight limits described on the packaging and use only high-quality products and materials, you should be safe to take your swing along on your next trip.
Does it Have to Be the Bedroom?

If you do decide to hang your sex swing in the bedroom, you can do so in one of several ways.
Some couples prefer a swing that hangs directly above the bed, while others want their swing to be a little out of the way so that they can experience a little more movement and freedom.
If you want something different, you can try hanging a hook on the ceiling in your closet and hanging the swing from there. This works well if your closet is extra-large, and it means you can install a permanently attached hook on the ceiling that no one will see, which is perfect for couples that want a little discretion in their sex life.
After all, people will eventually notice a permanent attachment to your wall or bedroom ceiling, but that is not the case with an attachment to your closet ceiling.
Sex In The Outdoors?
Of course, all of these options are great if you want to have sex inside your home, but what if you are extra daring and think you might like to try having sex outdoors?
Not to worry, because those same brackets and hooks that you use for the inside of your home can be used outdoors as well!
Depending on the layout of your back yard – make sure it’s fenced-in first! – you have several options.

You can install a wall bracket to a tree limb or a beam on your patio, a hook or bracket to the top of a gazebo or patio, or a beam mount over an exposed beam.
Beam mounts are similar to door mounts except that both ends contain hooks or loops, which make them very easy to hang your sex swing on.
Of course, with any of these methods you have to take into consideration the weight limits and the overall quality of the product, so a little pre-planning is necessary.
After all, you need to be both safe and comfortable, regardless of where or how you have sex!
However, as long as you’re careful and you heed the manufacturers’ directions and recommendations, you should be fine using any of these methods.
Sex swings are not just for professional sex workers, porn stars, or extra-adventurous couples. Nowadays everyone is using sex swings, and if you use one just once you’ll understand why!
They allow you extra freedom so that you can enjoy any number of sexual positions and sex acts, and because they remove pressure from your joints and muscles, even people with mobility or disability issues can enjoy their sex life like never before.
If you’re curious where to install your sex swing, it is good to know that these devices are no longer just for the bedroom.
In fact, because of the way some of them are made, they can now even be taken on the road with you for that next business trip, enabling you to relax after the suit comes off.
You can also enjoy them in numerous places around your home, so the only thing that limits your next sexual escapade is your imagination!
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