What is a Sex Swing Stand?
Posted by Carlo Apas on

Sex swings are popular bedroom toys for both experienced and inexperienced users and there are three basic types.
- The first type fits over the door and once the door is closed, you can start using it.
- The second type is one that is attached to the ceiling in your bedroom or another room.
- The third type of sex swing fits on some type of stand, which is usually sold separately from the swing itself.
There are also different types of stands made for sex swings.
Since most of them are interchangeable and can be used with various brands and models of swings, it should be easy to find the right stand for your needs.
What Is A Sex Swing Stand?
Most sex swing stands are made so that the swing itself is hung from the very center of the stand so all you have to do is set up the stand and then hang the swing from the top center part, which will consist of some type of hook.
They are heavy devices that are very sturdily made, which means that they are made to accommodate any type of activity you might be enjoying on your swing.
There are four different styles of sex swing stand available.
Easel Style Sex Swing Stands

The first shape is similar to an easel but instead of three legs, it has four legs. The top part of the stand is also larger and wider than an easel because there has to be room for the swing to be attached to it and be usable.
These are quite large stands with a height of approximately 80 inches and a width of approximately 90 inches.
One of the reasons why these types of stands are so large is because they have to accommodate numerous sizes and designs of swings.
When a sex swing is being used, it usually moves around a lot so the stand it is on must be wide and tall enough and strong enough to accommodate this constant motion.
Cross Style Sex Swing Stands

The second main type of sex swing stand is one that consists of two large square-shaped pipes that essentially intersect at some point, producing two elongated pieces that set on the floor to provide the sturdiness you need to support the sex swing.
Again, the swing is attached at the top center part of the stand and this type is also very wide and tall in order to accommodate many different types of swings.
If you were to look at the swing stand from above, you would see an “X” or cross pattern of some type because of the way the two pieces intersect.
Similarly to the easel type of sex swing stand, these stands are easy to set up and easy to use. You can trust them to handle any type of activity you choose to participate in during your sexual escapades.
Tent Style Sex Swing Stands
There is also a third type of stand for your sex swing and even though it isn’t as commonly found as the other two types, it is still used by many sex swing owners.
This one is essentially a tent-shaped bar with a long bar at the top and two side bars on either side that are larger at the feet because that’s the part that sits on the floor and holds the stand up so that it can support the swing.
The top bar is rather long-- again, in order to handle all types of sex swings -- and it too is very strong and durable.
As with the other two types of sex swing stands, this one can accommodate most designs and sizes of sex swings because it contains a device at the top center section that is meant to hang the swing on.
Hammock Sex Swing Stands

Still another type of sex swing stand is the hammock-type stand, which is shaped to resemble a “C” and has a sturdy base that sits on the floor.
Although your movement will be a little more limited with this type of stand, you can still do most of the things you want to do with your sex swing, including spin it around and move around into various positions while you have sex.
The hammock sex swing stand is also good for smaller sex swings and for body slings, which are sort of similar to a miniature version of the sex swing.
As long as the hammock is specifically made for sex swings and you check the weight limit on it, you should have no problems utilizing your sex swing on this type of stand.
Why Use A Sex Swing Stand?

One of the biggest advantages to choosing these types of sex swing stands is that it eliminates the requirement that you install a permanent device to your ceiling, which people can easily see once they enter your bedroom.
With a sex swing stand, you can set it up and take it down whenever you like, then hide it away in a discreet location after you’re done using it.
This alone is the reason why many people choose sex swings that come with stands rather than the type of swing that requires a permanently attached piece for your ceiling.
People rarely get tired of their sex swings but if you do get tired of yours or you simply decide to purchase another type of swing, it can be an inconvenience to remove the permanent ceiling device if you have chosen the type of sex swing that attaches to the ceiling.
With a sex swing that uses a stand, this will never be a problem because all you have to do is replace the swing and in some cases, the stand, which is usually a very simple process!
How Much Does A Sex Swing Stand Cost?

Much as with other products, including sex toys, sex swing stands can vary greatly in price. You can spend as little as $90 for your stand or as much as $600 for it, depending on the brand, size, and type.
Of course, this doesn’t mean that the lower-priced stands are substandard.
In fact, much of the price variances result from the reputation of the manufacturer and the store that you bought the item from.
Essentially, as long as the manufacturer and the store are reputable, you are certain to get a high-quality device every time.
Just like with many other products, in a lot of cases you will simply be paying more for the name!
Some of the stands are larger and some come with various amenities and weight recommendations but as long as you’ve confirmed that the one you want is sturdy, fits your weight requirement, and is purchased at a reputable store such as Cum Swing With Me, you can spend any amount of money you like and enjoy a sex swing stand that is durable and made to last.
The weight recommendation is probably the most important aspect when deciding how much you wish to spend for a sex swing stand.
Just as the swings themselves, stands come with different weight recommendations so if you and your partner together weigh almost 400 pounds, it isn’t recommended that you purchase a stand that can only hold 350 pounds.
You have to make sure that the stand will be able to handle your weight requirement even if you end up spending a little more money in the end.
Sex Swing Stand Reviews

When reading reviews for sex swing stands, there is no one design that stands out among the rest.
Reviews usually center on specific brands and because each brand uses different materials for their stands.
The most important thing to remember is to make sure that the stand you choose is made out of high-quality materials.
After all, the last thing you want is for the stand to be unable to withstand what you intend to put it through!
The only way that this will happen is if you purchase a stand that is made with top-notch materials, including steel frames and a finish that won’t come off or erode after using it for a while.
You should also check the height and the footprint of the stand you’re considering buying because your bedroom or other chosen room has to have enough room to accommodate the stand once it’s put together.
Sex Swing Stand Alternatives: DIY Options

If you choose a sex swing that requires a stand, the best way to make your own stand is to use wooden pieces and nail them together.
You can easily build one that is similar to a child’s swing set and will easily accommodate your sex swing.
With a DIY swing stand, you can get very creative and be assured that the stand will fit perfectly in your bedroom!
Many people build wooden sex swing stands and place them over their beds, making them the perfect accompaniment to their bedroom escapades.
Although you can make a sex swing stand using pieces other than wood, this can be a bit more complex and time-consuming because it is sometimes difficult to find materials that are sturdy enough to make a good stand, not to mention the right size.
If you’re going to make your own stand for your sex swing, you can easily get some information online, including instruction videos, so that you end up with something perfect for your needs.
Just remember to use high-quality wood and nails and make sure that you pay close attention to the weight recommendations for all of the materials you use to make the stand!
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